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Introvert Dream Home – A Quiet Home for a Noisy Mind

Introvert Dream Home – A Quiet Home for a Noisy Mind

Stacey Shannon1233 11-Nov-2019

You get tired quickly, sometimes you just want to run away from everyone. You refuse to go out to town because you would rather enjoy reading a book or having a blast with your cat. Introverts are an entire universe within the universe, unique in their beauty. In order to keep your creativity flowing, your ideas flourishing you need to recharge more but that is maybe a hard task. Perhaps you are living in a crowded city. Maybe you have a house full of children. Maybe you have thin walls and noisy neighbors. All that noise pollution an invisible but real-life danger if you have introversion plus high sensitivity. Whatever your situation, there are ways to make sound waves by the reigns and create your very own silent space. You don't need a fortress of solitude, but a quiet place for yourself.

Introvert Dream Home – A Quiet Home for a Noisy Mind

An ideal introvert nest

We all wish we were somewhere else at times. Typically, that somewhere else is tropical, surrounded by nature or simply silent. While we can’t jet set to Tahiti every time we feel overwhelmed, we can simulate these places in our own homes. Decorating with a mix of neutral, earth tones and the vibrant colors found in our favorite natural spaces will go a long way toward transporting us without the travel. If you enjoy the beach, try mixing some blues with beach tones. If you enjoy nature, try adding greens and plant patterns. If you crave the silence, try adding some decorative acoustic panels so the chatter bouncing around in your head isn’t bouncing around the room as well.

Introvert Dream Home – A Quiet Home for a Noisy Mind

Creative corner

As introverts, many of us like to be creative in our free time. It can be a great way of expressing ourselves without the need for a stage and crowds staring at us. However, art supplies can become crazily cluttered if we don’t have a plan. If you are lucky enough to have a studio, congrats! For the rest of us, we can dedicate a small patch of our places dedicated to creating. Even when space itself becomes a bit messy, the joy associated with having a space to create overcomes any thoughts of disarray. As an added bonus, every time we enter our creative spaces, we take subconscious steps to stimulate our creative impulses.

Introvert Dream Home – A Quiet Home for a Noisy Mind

A huge library

Another thing that’s common among creatives and introverts is a love of reading. We tend to analyze things and become lost in our own heads. This can be problematic in public, but we find a safe space in a good book. Dedicating space for a library and reading makes it that much more enjoyable. 

Introvert Dream Home – A Quiet Home for a Noisy Mind

Add some houseplants and colors pulled from nature and you’ll feel like you’re reading in your own secluded clearing in the forest. Many houseplants bring the added bonus of air purification, meaning you can breathe easier in every sense of the word. You will have created a beautiful wilderness in the middle of the crowded city that perfectly complements the wilderness in your colorful mind.

Working room

The natural counterpart to reading is writing. Whether we do it creatively, professionally or just enjoy free writing to purge the pressure from our heads, having a good working room is essential. Quiet and free from distraction, our working rooms should work with us. It should embody the atmosphere we feel most comfortable in, including temps and humidity levels. It should allow us to wear whatever we feel best in. Most importantly, it should be free from noise pollution. You may see a theme forming here. That’s because, for those of us with active minds, outside stimuli can be among the most distracting things we face in our everyday lives. Cut it out wherever you can.

Introvert Dream Home – A Quiet Home for a Noisy Mind

Home security

One of the telltale traits of introverts is the tendency to overthink things. Adding home security elements can help quiet your mind by eliminating the wonder that surrounds the unknown. Did I lock the door? Did I turn off the curling iron or straightener? No matter how regular parts of our routine become, we wonder whether or not we did them. They are automatic, so why would we remember doing them? Adding an alarm system can alleviate the worry by eliminating the perceived threat posed by an unlocked door. Smart outlets can allow us to turn appliances off via our smartphones, leaving us less likely to worry about the possibility that our appliances will burn the house down.


There are so many little things we can do to make our homes the places we love to be. Do even a few of them, and you’ll find it addicting. At the end of the day, make your place a true reflection of yourself, and you can never go wrong.

A passionate writer with the ambition to grow.

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